Antees Switches to Scooter Operational Leasing!

We have news for you! We have decided to temporarily suspend our shared service and focus on operational leasing of our scooters. This change allows us to offer you even greater comfort and flexibility.

What does this mean for you?

If you have unused packages or purchased minutes, don't worry. You can still use them!

Benefits of Operational Leasing

Operational leasing offers greater certainty and comfort when using our scooters long-term. This service is ideal for both individuals and companies. We offer different leasing options:

  • 1 year: 2,999 CZK/month
  • 6 months: 3,499 CZK/month
  • 3 months: 3,999 CZK/month

With the leasing fee, you can use up to 2 scooters. The scooter control remains the same – via our app, as you are used to.

How to start?

Are you interested in operational leasing or have any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us. We are happy to provide you with all the necessary information and help you choose the best solution.

What to look forward to in the future?

This transition is just the beginning. We are planning a number of improvements and innovations that will further enhance your experience. We will continue to develop our IT platform to offer you an even more intuitive and efficient application. We are also working on new features and improved scooters with longer range.

Thank you for your trust and support. We look forward to seeing you ride the streets with us!

Your Antees Team 🐜🐜

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